Neema Simon Sumari, PhD
Dr. Sumari is a geo-informatics information technology professional with strong leadership ability, effective interpersonal skills, and strong experience in software engineering and automatic documentation
generation. A gradutate of Concordia College and Alabama A&M University with machelor's and master's degrees in computer science, she studied at Wuhan University and received her PhD; her doctoral thesis was "The Design and Development of a Secure Internet-Based Protocol for the Control of a Remote Solar Tracker."
Since 2008, Dr. Sumari has been on the faculty of Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania 2008.She is presently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Informatics, specializing within Informatics/Computer Science courses and conducing supervised seminars and workshops, in addition to her research projects.
Neema is fluent in English and Swahili native Language and very involved in multiple international organizations, including:
- Director and Founder of AQUILA EYES GROUP (AEG)
- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)
- Advancing for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- IEEE Education Society
- Sokoine University of Agriculture Academic Staff Association
- United Nations Association (UN) – USA
Neema's Core Expertise includes:
Big Data Analysis, Project Risk & Scope,Requirements Definition,Spatial Analysis,Team & Project Leadership, Earth Observation, Remote Sensing & GIS Application, Data Integrity, Land Use Analysis.
Recent accomplishments, engagements and presentations include:
- Belt and Road International Geospatial Information Training Center (BRGTC) -- Theme: GIS and RS Monitoring Application
- Introduction of Remote Sensing and GIS application
- Image Representation and Interpretation
- Innovative Technologies and Applications on Artificial Intelligence
- Application of SAR Remote Sensing: InSAR for deformation monitoring
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania December 2021
- 2021 International GeoInformatics Summer School, Course on Social Sensing, Geospatial Big Data Computing, and Disaster Management
- Introduction to social sensing and bid data computing for disaster management
- Geospatial bid data and computing techniques
- Social media (Twitter) data collection and analytics with Python and Hadoop
- Web mapping of social media data with JavaScript and Leaflet
- NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program using Earth Engine for Land
Monitoring Applications
- CODATA: Towards Next-Generation Data-Driven Scinece2019: Policies, practices and
- United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress (UNWGIC) ”The Geospatial Way to
a Better World”
- STEM Exchange: Research and Career Symposium, sponsored by PepsiCo and the New York
Academy of Sciences, New York, USA August 28, 2018
- CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Science Council) Workshop on
Advancing Interdisciplinary Global Challenges Research Through Data Integration
Beijing, China 30 - 31 July 2018
- Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis
- First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis AIABDA2017
- IoT/Big Data Analytics: Big Data tools and technology; real time event processing; low latency
query; analyzing social media and customer sentiment, Grignano, Trieste, Italy 10- 21 July 2017
Honors and awards include:
- Outstanding Participants Certificate on International GeoInformatics Summer School: Christmas under COVID-19: Human Mobility Analysis Based on Geotagged Twitter Massages
- Best oral presentation award on “The 2019 International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics for the paper entitled, "A Geospatial Approach for Sustainable Urban Planning for Morogoro Council, Tanzania"
- Best paper award on the Second International Workshop on Artificial intelligence on Big
Data Analysis, 2018 in Macao, China, for the paper, "Evaluation of Effects of Watershed Degradation on Water Yield: A Case of Mount Uluguru Watershed through Mindu Dam and Morogoro River, Morogoro-Tanzania"
- Best paper award on the first International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Analysis, 2017 in Zhuhai, China, for the paper entitled, "Comparison study for the hazard assessment of Khuzdar, Chaman and Wallace Creek fault lines by using the Application of Remote Sensing and GIS"