TETRAD Institute
of Complex System Dynamics

Intelligence, Renaissance, Industry, Creativity, Ingenuity, Coopertition
TETRAD Institute - a new model of science and social growth
Where we are Headed - Ad Astra

Discovering and Building New Worlds


Explore Our Major Programs and Projects

Foundations in Physics, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Information Sciences
- and -
Evolutionary Applications Serving Society and Civilization


The ARC and the Oasis -
Applications of our research serving health, wellness, society:
Gaia Oasis and the ARC Network

Sitemap - a tabular "map" and annotated "menu" to the TETRAD World (2022):
Site Map (2022)

Our People - Faculty, Fellows, Mentors, Researchers:

TETRAD Consultancy:
Executive, Management, Technical Services

Please Support and Assist Our Institute and Our Work

TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics is a private, not-for-profit, international research organization dedicated to advancement of culture through science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. The Institute comprises a faculty of research scientists and specialists in multiple and interdisciplinary fields working as a globally distributed network community. Faculty, fellows, mentors and teachers are recognized experts in their respective fields, within academia, industry, and throughout the global community. Projects are conducted in collaboration with institutions and companies in both the public and private sectors. Principal centers of activity are based in the United States of America and Europe, with primary offices and centers in California, Michigan, and New York.

+1 (231) 492-8301 (voice/text/Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp), +1 (505) 926-1399 (messages)      contact@tdyn.org, martinjoseph (at) tdyn.org, martin.dudziak@gmail.com, martan.khan@gmail.com

Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics