Basic Information regarding
Grants, Collaboration, Partnering, Teaming
Internships, Apprenticeships, Co-PI roles, Board memberships, Employment
TETRAD Institute
Intelligence Renaissance Industries
Oasis Health Intelligence
Mirnova Foundation
Grants, present (active) and forthcoming
NIH AIM-AHEAD and other sponsors.
Focus upon population health disparities and inequalities, espoecialy for minority peoples, and use of synthetic intelligence ("AI") and predictive data modeling to provide solutions to these major social health problems. Near-term focus on exposures to environmental toxins (e.g., lead, "hevy metals", radioisotopes) and a range of disease-consequences. Pilot project leading to expansions.
Learn more by visiting the PHIBER, ATS, OHI and NpC descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
TDYN Site Map
EHR & other health records - data collection & modeling
NIH AIM-AHEAD and other projects.
Internship-plus with future employment and co-authoring opps. High-school and up. Full range of experience and new learning. Interact with agencies, clinics, non-profits, across public and private sectors, and work with diverse sets of medical records to assemble databases used in our analytical projects.
Learn more by visiting the PHIBER and NpC descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
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Video and media design and production
Multiple projects and sponsors.
Help produce short 3-5 minute video clips, as well as graphics and photos, pertaining to dissemination of results and public education in matters involving personal and public health, issues of environment and climate effects, issues of racism and other disparities and inequalities, and the pragmatic solutions that work to address these problems. Appealing to STEM and artistic talents and aspirations. Work creatively as part of a distributed team on materials that will be published in scientific papers and broadcast via YouTube and other networks.
Learn more by visiting the PHIBER, ATS, OHI, NpC, IRI descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
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Buffalo Community Relations Development
Multiple projects and sponsors.
Join in and assist with community interactions and communications at all levels, with people in local business networks, city and county government, police and fire, social service, and schools from high school to university levels. Be involved in programs (ours and others) that are spanning the realm of STEAM education, all age levels, for an urban community filled with talent, need, desire, energy, and strong spirit!
Learn more by visiting the PHIBER, ATS, OHI, IRI, and NpC project descriptions here, and also most of the other descriptions on this page, then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
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Film-making - a full-length movie
"Cyber Robin and the Hood".
Open to ALL with interest, enthusiasm, and the desire to do something cool, useful, helpful to our society. This is a film (real-life actors, not animation) that will contribute to solutions that reduce the HATES in our society including the violence like the growing epidemic of mass shootings and kiilings. This is a film that should be seen by millions!
Learn more by visiting the ATS, ROBIN, and Mirnova descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
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Fine Arts and the setup of a unique gallery, library and interactive ART program
Multiple sponsors.
Be involved in all aspects of setting up the "Unity and Diversity" arts program, "Ars Bio", in Buffalo, NY and worldwide through its online features. The gallery is all about the incredible span of creative diversity in human art over the millennia, and also in Nature. There are interactive components using the latest in media technologies.
Learn more by visiting the GALLERY PORTFOLIO description here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
TDYN Site Map
Virtual reality, 3D (& 4D !) worlds, Contests, Prizes
Multiple sponsors.
Be part of the Team working on graphics, videos, text and other content for the New Social Network Environment ("Terra", based upon OASIS) that helps in big ways to reduce and elimiate the problems from today's old-style social nets which allow and perpetuate violence and social discovrd uncluding extremist HATES behaviors and violent crimes. See what a difference the Internbet can be when it is given to People with a Human focus and with the well-being, health and social consciousness of People put first, ahead of mere pecuniary profits.
Learn more by visiting the Terra Preview and Contests+Prizes descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
TDYN Site Map
Music! Concerts! Entertainment! Joy!
Multiple sponsors.
Join in and be involved at all levels and aspects of planning and "orchestrating" (pun intended!) an incredible Concert that will have some well-know, well-loved, famous performers!
This will benefit many people worldwide, including some who have had exceptional losses and treauma due to the violence of the HATES in our society. Help us to get these concerts to happen ASAP, in EARLY 2023 (if not sooner) in Buffalo, New York and Kyiv, Ukraine!
Learn more by visiting the Concerts and 'Let's Make It Happen' description here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
TDYN Site Map
Healing our Society = what all the Science and Tech needs to do now!
Multiple sponsors.
Join in on the central, dominant, focused Mission to cure our world of the HATES. Hatred, Abuse, Trafficking, Enslavement, Subjugation - this is overtaking our world, we let it happen, we allowed it, and we are capable of turning this around and putting an end to this kind of savagery against our sisters and brothers!
Don't think it is impossible or too big a task. Your life and our future as the human species depends upon this. We CAN accomplish what we need to do and have a much better society than we do today. We can eliminate mass killings of children and people, an epidemic of violence that is unprecedented in all of history. YOU are Important and Can Do A Lot to help us All.
Learn more by visiting the Mirnova, ATS, Robin, and 'Vision Wre Are Real-izing' descriptions here, and then contact us to discuss you, your students, your institution:
TDYN Site Map
+1 (231) 492-8301 ------ (505) 926-1399
TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics is a private, not-for-profit, international research organization dedicated to advancement of culture through science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. The Institute comprises a faculty of research scientists and specialists in multiple and interdisciplinary fields working as a globally distributed network community. Faculty, fellows, mentors and teachers are recognized experts in their respective fields, within academia, industry, and throughout the global community. Projects are conducted in collaboration with institutions and companies in both the public and private sectors. Principal centers of activity are based in the United States of America and Europe, with primary offices and centers in California, Michigan, and New York.
+1 (231) 492-8301 (voice/text/Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp), +1 (505) 926-1399 (messages), martinjoseph (at),,
Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics