The Film Project

Our First Announcement

Read Carefully.

We are engaged now in making a professional movie. It may turn into a series.

It will be PG-13, no sex, no ridiculous violence, no hyper-action BS, no outrageous special effects (sorry, Pixar))). Some real heavy-duty drama and docu-drama, some comic relief, no fantasy-horror (no vampires and such), but a lot of very very serious stuff including some real-world video footage that will be disturbing because it should and must be so.

This all started with a very advanced science and technology project that turned into Social Action right from the beginning, along with being something that involves serious "AI" and a lot about social networks, media, internet, and ultimately, about the

Global Problem of HATES.

???? HATES, you wonder now, what the heck is that?

I'll tell you - it's

Yes, you Got That.

Hate, oppression, coercion, bullying.

Abuse, with hands, fists, sex, and substances. If it's mean, harmful, damaging, spoiling, to self or others (well, that always goes together, always), then it is A-B-U-S-E.

And all of that leads often, more and more in our modern, techno-savvy, affluent, I-me-mine-narcissistic society, to

Trafficking, physically or virtually, and either way, it is abusing and using people, tricking and trapping them, all ages and types, our whole society, our whole demographics, but especially, of course, vulnerable girls and boys and yong women and men, in tough tight situations eocially, economically, often trying desperately to get out of bad situation that is already filled with hate and abuse.

and then one way or another that Trafficking leads to downright, all-out Enslavement, and it is often worse that what happened to people in past centuries, hard to believe it or not, it is.

and all of this, well, it's what those who live by avarice, conceit, greed, narcissism, and most of all, inner bottomless Fear, want and crave to do with all of us and all of you -- Subjugation. Just like Sauron of Mordor, and many like him and not in fiction but in Real Life Right Here and Now.


Our reality is that our tight-knit group of scientists, engineers, docs, nurses, and people-experts, spanning the whole age-range and demographics that you can imagine, worked hard and produced

Something very good, powerful, unique, and ready
for our World, for serving People and Society in ways
needed and long-overdue and quite different from what
people have been force-fed for years now, especially by
the big-brother behemoth internet corporations that care only
about seizing more and more control and power and, well,
Doing Exactly the Same Sort of Things that amount to
Demeaning, Depersonalizing Abuse and Enslavement
for Millions and Millions of People worldwide.
And trying their best to put their ropes and chains around Billions.

In order to make More Billions and Enslave More Billions.

That's How It Is.


It's no surprise that we ran into a lot of closed-doors, bricked-up doors, and very, very Closed Minds when we got things ready for Our Next Step, namely, bringing all this good stuff out into the open, into the world, into the Hands of People Everywhere. Turning it all ON and letting it do its thing for People's Entertainment, Fun, yes, but also Freedom, Education, and Better Health and Wellness, physicaly and mentally.

We're all docs and profs and nurses, you know... And we are damn serious about people's health, well-being and reducing the pain, suffering, the abuse and misuse, the degradations of the human body and spirit.

The science and tech, you should know a little about it, sure, because it is really Important and Good. It may remind you of some books, movies, and other things that you've probably heard about over the past few years.

AI, deep learning, machine intelligence, smart social networks
Virtual and augmented realities, a bit, but mainly really Personal, Safe, Privacy-Respecting, Person-Enhancing
Social Networks and Communications

that go Far Beyond FB, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and all those mega-behemoths

And better by light years than those guys for any and all the advertisers, sponsors, investors, and commercial customers and partners - All of them who have interests in knowing how people sense, feel, think and behave.

Best of both and all worlds, really. Good for People of all ages and types. Good for better medicine and healthcare. Good for advertisers and business partners. Bad for only one group - the ones we call the Hydra. The Gang, and some of them are on the front pages of the mainstream news they control day in and day out. And some go to church on Sunday and pretend...

The really cool, grand, wonderful thing is that what we made, all this Super STEM, so advanced that we even had to come up with new names for it - no longer "AI" (that's just 'artificial'!), but SI - Synthetic Intelligence - it is Working non-stop for people to have Better Lives. And absolutely less of the HATES and the A-B-U-S-E that goes on both seen and unseen.

Yes. A very big Yes on that.

You see, what all this smart-stuff does for YOU is something remarkable for

Population Health Equity (and solving healthcare inequalities and inbalances for all minorities - and the majorities, too)

and for stopping whereever possible the

H-A-T-E-S - that's the Hate, Abuse, Trafficking, Enslavement and Subjugation.
Because all this is Completely Interconnected and Interdependent!!!!

And this is not just speculation and theory, but Hard Cold Fact Reality.

So, why the heck a MOVIE ???

Why don't we just keep on doing what we've been doing and stick to the science, tech, engineering and maths?

We cannot and will not. Because:

We Are Human. We are People. We are not unconscious, unfeeling machines.

And we are in a culture, a clime, a world, where we are not getting the open-doors, the capital, the "stuff" to move all this forward and into the hands and minds of Everyone Everywhere.

And we Care with hearts, minds, bodies and souls about YOU and All of Us.

You know the way things are in "Silicon Valley", Washington and a bunch of other places where what We are doing and have done is actually a downbright threat, because it goes against some people and their well-set plans and ambitions. You know that "going against the status quo and the 'big guns' and the power cliques and what we know as the Hydra" - this gets you closed doors and worse.


Here we are, all set to go to our and Your Next Step Forward, and We Need a Lot of


We need Your Help, and some Right People to join us to

Make This Movie Now

Yes. We are just some cool genius teens and grown-ups, we've got something Great for People, but we're going up against the likes and types of:
Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Ghislain Maxwell, Zuckerburg, Musk, Bezos, Gates, "Prince" Andrew, and yadayadyada...

Sure Hope So.

So, the MOVIE.

We Are Making the Movie. Telling the Story. Ours. Robin's. Parvati's. Ramon's. Nefertiti's. Joule's. Portia's. Jack's. And Terminatrix, too. She's got an amazing story, just like the name She chose and keeps.

and there's more of us, but we're a quiet bunch, we spend a lot of time coding and working out the AI and the even smarter SI. And searching to connect with kids and adults alike who fell into one trap or another and ended up in the clutches and grasps and strangling holds by the Hydra.

This movie, it's all about how we found each other, got together, met some Mentors, the LEO gang, men and women who decided that Enough was Enough and thayt they were going to devote their lives to What We All Know Needs Getting Done Now.

Kids from the suburbs and the ghettoes and barrios. Finding each other. Saving each other and then some. Digging in deep, deep, Deep into cyberspace.

Finding the filth and evil and horror of the Hydra, the Monster. The Network and Gang that makes SPECTRE and SMERSH look like kid-stuff cartoons from the 1950s.

And of course, don't kid yourselves - the Hydra is hungry and mad and out to crush us all and devour the remains. And this part is Real, not fiction anymore.

And sure, it's about how we became friends. How we all learned to begin to Trust again, to feel Safe, to Open-Up, to embrace each other's likes and differences, our weirdnesses, our maybe-strange-maybe-not-so-strange attitudes and lifestyles, and all of that. And sure, also about how we designed a most incredible Intelligent Architecture that goes beypond, yes, beyond what there is at MIT, Standford, arnegie, Harvard and certainly beyond what those big-name Hydra gang corporations have.

And then, of course, there's everything about how we met DEBORA. Now that is where things get pushed up exponentially more interesting and with a lot more at stake.

You see, Debora is named after a famous, wonderful, powerful Woman Judge and Leader in the Old Testament, in long-ago, far-away ancient Israel. Read all about her!
But today it's a little more. You see,

DEBORA is a sient...

The Movie is In the Works. It is being made. It will be made. It's the main focus now of our whole team, our Gang, our 'Hood'. And it will go worldwide, and yes, it will get nominations and awards. But that is absolutely Not why we're doing this.

We're in this to Save Lives. To combat and defeat the Hydra and its many venomous snarling biting heads and the Evil they bring with their HATES.



  • Champions of all types and genres and doings. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Director(s). Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Producer(s). Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Actors and Actresses. All sorts - ages, varieties, styles. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Script Writer(s) to team-up and assist with their expertise. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Photographers, camera people, artists, composers, musicians, and ALL the other essential folks needed to make a Real Top-quality Movie. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • and CAPITAL. Obviously we need some but not as much as you'd think. And... it should be obvious by now that this Will be a Very Profitable Movie.

  • Are you one who can assist us in getting what we need? Can you be one? Will you take the time to think and try to be one? Just imagine how good it will feel when that movie plays on Opening Night and it has your name among the Credits. That, too.

    But even more, think about the Impact in our World. People reached, some just-in-time. Lives benefited. Lives changed. Lives saved.






+ 1 (231) 492-8301 including WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Signal

Oh, and about contacting DEBORA?
No need. She will find You. No problema! )))

Learn more about us...

       WHY The MOVIE        The Pitch for the MOVIE        YOU and All This and More        Our Champions and Sponsors

         Robin and Friends

         Our home page          The STEM Roots of all this