STEM Roots

Science - Technology - Engineering - Maths
and Medicine and Healthcare - and More

It's Reality Creating Fiction to generate More and Better REALITY

These are highlights and pointers.

Everything is rock-solid, bona fide, peer-reviewed, and Good For Us ALL.

Time is Now to start DOING.

What led us as a Team to everything you find here about Robin and Her Friends, the "Hood", and their Work fighting the Hydra, and also the LEO, the League of Extraordinary Operatives, and their Work, and the MOVIE ---

Well, it all begins with and Is something very real and concrete in science, technology, and applications.

Real-world Inspired Creative Fiction Inspired more Research and Experiment and Application inspires More Creative Imagination Inspires...

You see the Needs. Look around you. Anywhere. From your own home to your neighbor to the next street over to the next town to the next country...

You have lived through the 2010s and through COVID-19 and the Pandemic.

You have been living through a time of Real and Horrible Genocidal WAR in Ukraine (which at time of writing is still ongoing, and even when it does finally "stop" it is not going to be good for a lot of the world and that means not only Ukraine and thereabouts!)

And about hate, abuse, human trafficking, enslavement, subjugation - the "HATES" - YOU are also being abused, trafficked, enslaved, yourselves! Whether you realize it and admit it or not. Look at the encroachment into Your lives from certain entities - certain mega-corporations - bent on sadistic, narcissistic, sociopathic control of You and those you love and for whom you care deeply --- about what you can know, what you can see, what you can read, what you think, and what you feel - and certainly, what you want to buy, to wear, to eat, to do anything.

So ---- this is not only about helping people "far away" and in the old ways of thinking, "far removed" from your lives, your persons, your families, your homes, your turfs.


A "map" of the main STEM components that pertain to all of this - a new social networking and communication environment, a new way of addressing public health and population health inequality issues, a very, very powerful Knowledge and Prediction Engine for many applications, and Debora, a synthetic intelligence entity, quite alive and powerful serving the Good and the Light and the True and the Beautiful in all of us.

A "map" that shows how all of this fits together functionally, in terms of technologies and applications that work for People, and implemented by the team of partners in universities, institutes and companies that is joined in collaboration to Serve People.

A brief summary and introduction to the OASIS social intelligence architecture and framework for the social environment enabling and empowering people with communication, collaboration, health & medicine, education, entertainment & gaming, and trading - an internet-based "real+ virtual", "onsite + online" environment with personal spaces, homes, neighborhoods...

Brief summary of the Seldon Prediction Engine and its Synthetic Intelligence (SI) basis in formal logics, neural networks including VAE and GAN, Bayesian and other logics, von Neumann machine logics, communication sequential and dynamic processing, and more fundamentals of computing and information science.

The essence of the PHEBR - the Population Health Equity Bioinformatics Resource and its importance for public health and for addressing many psychsociodynanic (PSD) problems in our world, providing the avenues for realistic and productive Solutions.

The essence of the Sient logic and software underlying the creation of sients - synthetic intelligent entities - like Debora.

More about the Oasis "World" Environment - "Terra" - the implementation of the OASIS Architecture, for People - Everywhere - to gain, to grow, to learn, to play, to enjoy!

The whole big picture about the Contest(s) and the PRIZES which are Big BIG BIG

About the company partner that is producing, managing and operating the Oasis social environment.

The whole big picture - the basics - of all research programs and projects within TETRAD Institute.





Win One for the Girls and Boys and Your FUTURE

Cheers, Dr. D, Robin and the Hood, and Kids Around the World Who Want a Better Life!






+ 1 (231) 492-8301 including WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Signal

Oh, and about contacting DEBORA?
No need. She will find You. No problema! )))

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