- Listen Up, Dammit.
It's Your World and
You're a Part of the Problem And the Solution

Read Carefully.

The remarks here are mostly about one segment of the Global Problem in Human Trafficking and Slavery, and focused upon the Sexual Enslavement and Subjugation of Women and Girls. In one part of the world. Today and Tomorrow. Growing and Getting Worse.

But EVERYTHING here in these few brief remarks and accounts applies to Everyone and Everywhere Else.


WE NEED DEBORA and all the Her Tools and Powers and Friends we can have and use. Now. Now. Today. No putting it off.

I promise to devote as much energy and resources as I can to all of this. I am appalled at what I know is going on right now in Russia. Girls will be used in awful ways, and they will become Slaves. This is My War, too, now. And We Be Strong and Stronger. Especially if YOU Help.

This is a translation of some of the messages from Artemis, one of the Top Women Fighters in Ukraine in the War that, as of the time of writing (22.April.2022), is still going on as a war of unbridled terror, genocide and extermination.

Ukrainian Women and Children are a Big Target. Including for Enslavement, Trafficking, Torture.

Artemis, along with others, are doing Everything.

Read what she has to say. This tells you, in part, WHY this MOVIE. Why a gang of teens and elders who could all be doing plenty of other things, making money, relaxing on the beach, just havin' fun and a good 'ol time, killin' time, and not carin' 'bout a thing.

"In a word , sometimes I just get overwhelmed by all this , by this grief, pain, which literally breaks my heart . But I can, I must complete what I started, and reach Victory. I will endure.

"Recently, I clearly saw in a dream the appearance of the souls of the dead, there was an incredible accumulation of them, there was a cry, a quiet cry of these innocently killed people, and several of this huge accumulation silently gave their pectoral crosses into my palm, there were many, different forms. And after they were gone, they disappeared.

"This dream was before we and the whole world later learned about the atrocities in the Kyiv region, about Bucha, Irpen, Makarov and many others. Therefore, I will endure, and I will work, helping as much as possible in everything.

"I know about slavery, the trafficking of Ukrainians - hostages, who were forcibly deported to the Russian Federation and forcibly kept, and with this tragedy it is necessary for everyone to act together, to save people, children, teenagers."

The Movie is In the Works. It is being made. It will be made. It's the main focus now of our whole team, our Gang, our 'Hood'. And it will go worldwide, and yes, it will get nominations and awards. But that is absolutely Not why we're doing this.

We're in this to Save Lives. To combat and defeat the Hydra and its many venomous snarling biting heads and the Evil they bring with their HATES.



  • Champions of all types and genres and doings. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Director(s). Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Producer(s). Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Actors and Actresses. All sorts - ages, varieties, styles. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Script Writer(s) to team-up and assist with their expertise. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • Photographers, camera people, artists, composers, musicians, and ALL the other essential folks needed to make a Real Top-quality Movie. Are you one? Can you be one?

  • and CAPITAL. Obviously we need some but not as much as you'd think. And... it should be obvious by now that this Will be a Very Profitable Movie.

  • Are you one who can assist us in getting what we need? Can you be one? Will you take the time to think and try to be one? Just imagine how good it will feel when that movie plays on Opening Night and it has your name among the Credits. That, too.

    But even more, think about the Impact in our World. People reached, some just-in-time. Lives benefited. Lives changed. Lives saved.


Martin martin.dudziak@gmail.com     martin@intelrenaissance.com

Diana diana@tdyn.org

Makar makar.duncan@tdyn.org

Lily lily@tdyn.org

+ 1 (231) 492-8301 including WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Signal

Oh, and about contacting DEBORA?
No need. She will find You. No problema! )))

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